3nd April 2008
Distriblend 1.2 Released
The newest release of Distriblend is now available for download.
Some of the improvements in this release include.
- Configuration Wizards
- Improved network stability
2nd January 2008
Distriblend 1.1 Released
The next release of Distriblend is now available for download.
This release makes great improvements to the workings of Distriblend. The networking has been simplified and the set-up process is now much easier.
22nd August 2007
Distriblend 1.0 Release Candidate 1 Now Available For Download
The first release of Distriblend (the redesign and rewrite of NetBlend) is now available for download.
14th August 2007
Nearly There
Each component works well together, with the Distributor working at the centre doing what it should. There are a few limitations, especially when multiple Clients are connected but, for most, this is not a concern. Also the Administration interface needs to be... dare I say it... rewritten, but that will not take long and the system will function perfectly well without it (hence it being left until last). It may even be released separately.
Check out the new screen shots of the client. With thanks to Mark James for the Silk Icon Set: makes it look a lot better.